Fashion Houses Embrace Wearable Technology
Wearable Tech, previously a concept that brought upon thoughts of flying cars and robots, mad scientists, futuristic, but definitely not fashionable. But in today's iPhone infused, measured-lifestyle wearable tech is gaining traction.
Google Gamification app Ingress is Now On i-OS
Ingress transforms the real world into the landscape for a global game of mystery, intrigue, and competition.
And Finally... The USPS has Adopted a Digital Strategy to Enter the World of Big Data
In a long overdue move, the United States Postal Service, the US’s second oldest federal department, is going digital.
From Music to Mind Reading: Context is King
Working? Relaxing? At the gym? Songza plays you the right music at the right time.
Store No More: Omni-Channel Strategy Transforms Mundane Objects into Fashion Boutiques
Comptoir des Cotonniers has installed over 10,000 virtual boutiques around several French cities, enabling passersby to scan the ads with their smartphones to make a purchase via the PowaTag app.