One Screen is Not Enough. How to Omni-Channel Your Brand.
Nielsen estimated that more than 80% of smartphone and tablet owners use their devices while watching television. Digital multitasking has become the “new norm” for consumers, and this trend is increasingly reflected in the marketplace. Advertising, e-commerce and mobile marketing are disrupting traditional brand conversations through “Second Screen Advertising,” by shifting to mobile and social platforms to engage fans. Viewers of premium TV shows aren't exposed to commercials during their favorite series, but brands are striking up conversations during the show via Twitter to target viewers elsewhere.Highly personalized, omni-channel, mobile responsive experiences are the new expectation, and businesses must strive to meet this demand.
Bridging the Omni-Channel Gap
Today, two of our favorite digital disruptors are bridging this gap between digital and retail experiences: #AmazonCart, a joint venture between Amazon and Twitter. Through Twitter, users can add items to their Amazon Shopping Carts by replying to a tweet with an Amazon product link and using the hashtag. Consumers will no longer be required to leave Twitter to finalize a purchase, reducing conversion time and providing customers with a seamless digital experience. It also allows advertisers to connect with users on this “Second Screen”. If advertisers coordinate #AmazonCart linked tweets with trending TV shows, there is potential for viewers to immediately purchase what they are viewing on TV.The principles of this model ring true to traditional businesses: strategically digitize your brand, be mobile responsive, target users on various mediums and create an omni-channel presence. As the CEO of AutoNation stated, “customers don’t want a digital AND [a] retail experience, they want ONE experience”.